miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

lonelyplanet.com review

Address: Calle principal 4-96, Town center , Panajachel , Guatemala

Lonely Planet review
Probably quite stylish once, and still appealing in a faded-charm sort of way, this is another hotel that comes alive at holiday times. It's set right on the lakeshore, with large gardens and a good-sized pool. The big bonuses here are the lake views from each room's private balcony and the hippie-free-zone location.

link: http://hotels.lonelyplanet.com/hotel/Panajachel-Hotel-Tzanjuyu-P1000574741.html

Private yatch tours

With acuatic transportation since 1887.

Simply your secret place since 1885 with a beautiful lake view

Rebuild rooms

Rooms include, tv, hot water, pool, a beutiful lake view and private beach.

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Hotel Tzanjuyu Bay

The oldest and a pioneer hotel in Guatemalan, since 1885 the historic Hotel Tzanjuyu Bay is considered the first turistic hotel in the country.